Friday, August 24, 2018

More Marketing Tips for Catering Business Owners

Marketing your catering business doesn’t have to be stressful. In an earlier post, we touched upon the ways to market a new catering company. Once your company is up and running and have gathered some momentum, however, your marketing strategy should be upgraded. So here are some tips on how to market an already established catering business.

1. Use influencer marketing
Influencer marketing is when you utilize the authority of an influencer in your niche to market your services. For instance, if a lot of people follow a famous wedding planner for tips and advice, he is the influencer. If you post an article on his blog and link it back to your website, it would be helpful. You can also do guest posting for a popular wedding blog. All you need is to contact the owner and request him to post your article on their blog.

Since hundreds of people are already following the blog, there’s a good chance that some readers will contact you with a catering order. However, convincing the influencer could be a challenge. So offer them value first. For instance, if you can convince them that your article would give new information to his audience, then he’ll probably give you a chance. Make sure that your article links back to your website, so that you can boost your SEO. Speaking of SEO, it would be a good idea to hire an SEO consultant or digital marketing expert for the job.

2. Organize taste testing
When it comes to winning new catering contracts, nothing works better than getting your prospects to taste your best dishes. But it also helps in your marketing. For instance, keep updated about any news about upcoming corporate events in your city. Contact the event organizer and tell them that you want to organize taste tastings session for them. You can also organize tasting sessions in local open-house programs. This would cost you some bucks, but it’s a good way to promote your catering business.

from Dynamic Marketing
via Dynamic Marketing

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

How to Market Your Catering Business

The low entry barrier to Singapore’s catering industry means that there’s cutthroat competition. Whether you’re an established business or a food-catering unicorn, you need to stand out to be successful.

While the quality of your food and customer service matter the most, you cannot ignore the importance of marketing. People should know your existence before they can order, taste and review your foods. So here are some marketing tips.

Build a strong online presence
Now most people read online reviews before buying a product. People looking for a caterer do the same. If your catering business doesn’t have a website, develop one. And just having a website isn’t enough. Your website should rank higher in organic search results. Simply put, when people search the web for a catering service provider, they should find you in the first page of Google. To that end, you may need to do some online marketing and hire an SEO expert. There are many ways to boost your online presence. For instance, you can start a blog and post catering related news and articles on a regular basis.

Leverage the power of networking
As with any business, networking is crucial to marketing your catering business. You need to network with local clubs, wedding planners, corporate event planners, and event venue rentals, among others. To make your networking work, you should meet your prospects in person. Visit their office and offer them a discount if they order from you. If possible, carry samples of your best dishes with you and request them to taste your food. The idea is to build a human connection and win their trust. Remember, people do business with those they trust.

Create a loyalty program
Loyalty programs and incentives are a great tool to entice more clients to do business with you. You can also contact bridal stores and local agents and offer them incentives for referring new customers.

from Dynamic Marketing
via Dynamic Marketing