Monday, October 8, 2018

Marketing Tips for Divorce Lawyers in Singapore

With the divorce rates climbing, there’s supposedly enough business for every divorce lawyer in Singapore. The real picture isn’t as bullish though. Yes, some lawyers have more clients than they can handle. But for most others, it’s like a feast or famine cycle. Sometimes you have a lot; sometimes you’re stuck in rut – waiting for good clients but don’t know how to reach out to them.

There comes the importance of marketing your business. Whether you choose offline or online marketing, you should have a clear strategy for attracting more ‘good’ clients to your law firm. Here are some marketing tips.

1. Leverage referral marketing

As with any business, references are a great way to win new clients. As a divorce lawyer in Singapore, for instance, you can partner with a marriage counselor to get referrals for new clients. It would be a mutually beneficial business relationship – a win-win for both parties.

2. Offer valuable content

When someone needs legal help for breaking their marriage, where do you think they would first go? Yes it depends but most people will read online. They would search for free content to get answers to their exact questions. What if you can create a blog that offers valuable legal advice to couples planning for a divorce? If your content offers value, your target audience would likely come back for more. Then they may want to meet you in person for a consultation.

3. Hire SEO services

Online presence is not enough; you need a strong presence. Almost every professional has a website these days. But the truth is; nobody finds that website when they search for a similar service. This is exactly where an SEO expert can help you. They know how to optimize a webpage for search engines like Google. Also, SEO is cost effective and helps build your brand’s online reputation.

from Dynamic Marketing
via Dynamic Marketing

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